Статья "Demographic Transformations of the Russian Regiona..."

Наименование статьиDemographic Transformations of the Russian Regional Space
АннотацияThe paper considers the transformations of the quantitative components ofhuman capital, which is the main driver of economic growth in the material, institutional and mental space. According to the author’s concept of stratified space, the processes of self-reproduction and self-renewal of a system are carried out in the material space. This can be determined by the indicators of fertility, mortality and migration in the demographic subsystem. The process of self-regulation of a system on the basis of legislative acts and behavior patterns is carried out in the institutional space. Institutional transformations are also manifested in the implementation of federal target programs for socio-economic development, affecting the state of the demographic subsystem. The processes of self-reflection, self-determination and self-development are carried out in the mental space. Mental transformations in the demographic subsystem are manifested in the change ofvalue orientations. In accordance with the system ofvalues that are conceptualized in modern development strategies the authors define the following models of Man: Economic Man, Socio-Economic Man (who lives in agglomeration centers and at the periphery), Socio-Natural Man (Environmental Man and Householder Man) and Innovative Man. Demographic shifts are investigated in 83 Russian regions on the determinants of birth rate and mortality. The analyzed period of transformation covers 2005 and 2012. Methods of matrix analysis are used to visualize the process of demographic shifts. The assessment of transformation of the stratified regional space spheres is given on the basis of the multifactor models of the population natural growth rate. The paper reveals the reduction in the level and variation of mortality rate, the increasing importance and differentiation of regions according to fertility rate, and the effectiveness of introducing the institution of maternity capital from a perspective of the wide coverage of mentality types of Russia’s population. When developing regional policy, the proposed research format takes into account not only the differentiation of socio-economic development of territories, but also the differences in the mentality of people, who live in large metropolitan areas and in the periphery.
Ключевые словаtransformation, natural population growth, institutional and mental space, model of Man, regions of Russia
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Курушина Е. В., Дружинина И. В.