Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2015
Дата выпуска2015-07-13

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-15 из 15 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Halfway to a fourth presidential term9
2Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society20
3Полтерович В. М.Reformers of Science Lack the Necessary Qualifications to Cope with the Task28
4Галимов Э. М.Can the FANO—RSF Project be a Success?32
5Поварова А. И.Passive Behavior of the Government. Budget Problems are Aggravating in the Regions39
6Мазилов Е. А., Гулин К. А.Organizational-Economic Mechanism for Industrial Complex Management as a Tool of Regional Economic Development71
7Лаврикова Ю. Г., Аверина Л. М.Strategic Framework for Implementing the Potential of Import Substitution on the Example of Railway Engineering85
8Бурцева И. Г., Тихонова Т. В.Socio-Economic and Environmental Challenges of Mining Industry in the Komi Republic100
9Гринчель Б. М., Назарова Е. А.Typology of Regions by Level and Dynamics of the Quality of Life111
10Курушина Е. В., Дружинина И. В.Demographic Transformations of the Russian Regional Space126
11Шматова Ю. Е.Assessing the Level of Happiness: a Review of Russian and Foreign Research141
12Иванов В. А., Терентьев В. В., Пономарева А. С., Иванова Е. В.Main Directions for Accelerating Modernization in the Agricultural Sector in the Rural Periphery of the North (Case Study of the Komi Republic)163
13Кун Ф., Ли Ч.Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Water Conservation Area: A Case Study of Dongjiang River179
14Пагано Р., Шиеди А.The Hermeneutic-Educational Paradigm for a Training Management in a Civic and Social Sense191
15Третьякова О. В.Promotion of a Scientific Journal in International Information Environment: Problems and Solutions204