Статья "Theoretical-Methodological Preconditions for the F..."

Наименование статьиTheoretical-Methodological Preconditions for the Formation of Mixed Economy in the Russian Federation
Аннотация. The article presents the author’s point ofview on the formation of the mixed (convergent, double¬track) model of socio-economic and community development in the Russian Federation — as inherent in the federal state with multinational population, open space, and diversified economic orders determined by historical and national-cultural traditions. The author’s stance is based on the wildly discussed and debated thesis about the necessity of organic combination of primary state regulation of macroeconomic processes with predominant market self-regulation of microeconomic processes. The framework of the mixed model of socio-economic and community development presupposes more active and effective use of the “point” state regulation in the creation of favorable and equal conditions for the systematic development of all forms (private, with public participation) ofbusiness and the expansion of the “corridor of opportunities” for the spatial development of all regions and the improvement of quality and standard of living of the Russian population (regardless of place of residence and position). The article substantiates theoretical and methodological possibility of successful implementation of the mixed model in the Russian Federation.
Ключевые словаtheoretical-methodological directions of socio-economic development regulation, their role in regulation, liberal-market, state-planned, mixed regulation, their strengths and “failures”, regulatory potential of the society, quality of regulatory impact and its “boundaries”, assessment of regulatory impact efficiency
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Татаркин А. И.