Выпуск № 1

Номер выпуска1
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2016
Дата выпуска2016-03-22

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.National Security Strategy 2015 — a Step towards the New Phase of Russia’s Development9
2PubUc Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society26
3Губанов С. С.System Prerequisites for Economic Recovery of Russia34
4Татаркин А. И.Theoretical-Methodological Preconditions for the Formation of Mixed Economy in the Russian Federation39
5Бухвальд Е. М.The Strategy for Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in Russia till 2030: Ambitions and Realities66
6Лаженцев В. Н.Geosystem Approach to Socio-Economic Development in the Regions of the North of Russia81
7Домащенко Д. В. Domashchenko D.V. Correlation between Economic Growth, Oil Prices and the Level of Monetization of Economy in Oil and Gas Exporting Countries: Challenges for Russia96
8Поварова А. И.Why Is the Self-Sufficiency of Urban Districts Budgets Not Growing108
9Александрова О. А., Ярашева А. В.ransformation of Investment and Savings Behavior of High-Income Groups during the Crisis122
10Леонидова Г. В., Свирелкина И. И.Non-State Preschool Education: Current Practices of Territorial Development138
11Фролова Е. В., Кабанова Е. Е.Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Russian Territories: Current Trends and Management Practices153
12Иванов В. А. Impact of Market Reforms on the Agricultural Sector Development and Food Self-Sufficiency in the Northern Region170
13Сунь Ю.Analysis of the Impact of the Flow of Migrant Workers on Regional Economy: Based on the Thought about the Promotion of Jiangxi Regional Economic Competitiveness187
14Барсуков В. Н.Labor Activity of the Population of Retirement Age as a Factorin Socio-Economic Development of the Territory 195
15About the Results of the 7th Research-to-Practice Conference “The Strategy and Tactics of Socio-Economic Reforms: the Regional Aspect”214
16Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ilyin Celebrates His 75th Anniversary221
17Requirements to Manuscripts224
18Subscription Information226