Статья "Life Strategies of Young People: Sociological Rese..."

Наименование статьиLife Strategies of Young People: Sociological Research Experience
АннотацияModern reality is the world of formation of various life prospects of a young person. The relevance of the topic depends, firstly, on insufficient sociological research into the mechanism of formation and realization of life strategies of modern youth; and, secondly, on the need to substantiate the sociological concept of youth life strategies in terms of professional self-determination with regard to its social and group characteristics. In this context, young people as the most active social group are of great interest to the authors who consider them a research target. Due to the transitivity of a social status and the incomplete processes of social maturity formation young people need a targeted design of their future. The sociological analysis of the issue involves a clarification of the concept of “life strategy” at the conceptual level (A.A. Volokitin, S.N. Ikoimikova, E.I. Golovakha, Yu.A. Zubok, V.T. Lisovsky, M.N. Rutkevich, G.V. Leonidova, K.A. Ustinova, etc.). The article presents the author’s definition of “life strategies”, which is a dynamic system of perspective individual orientation aimed at designing one’s life in the future. At the same time the results of the author’s sociological research are presented, including a standardized interview, questionnaires, which provide an opportunity to form an idea about the living choices of young people living in Yugra. The declining influence of social institutions and the emerging opportunities for developing their life prospects on their own challenges young people to select their life targets and ways of their implementation independently. The article justifies the necessity of intensified activation of new forms of young students’ management when planning their life trajectory. Life strategies disclose its content in specific fife situations associated with choice. The key choice is the career choice of young people which directly depends on the socioeconomic conditions of regional development, accumulating all the institutional contradictions in the spheres of education and labor and creating various social problems in the life of young people.
Ключевые словаyoung students, social group, social maturity, life strategy, life prospects
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Осипова Л. Б., Энвери Л. А.