Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2016
Дата выпуска2016-10-03

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-13 из 13 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.The Ruling Elites: a Problem for Russia’s National Security9
2Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society35
3Лаженцев В. Н.PubUc Nature of the Concepts for Economic Development in the Northern and Arctic Regions of Russia43
4Ласточкина М. А.Barriers to Modernization and the Degree of Coherence of Its Main Components in a Macro-Region of the Russian Federation57
5Важенина И. С., Важенин С. Г., Сухих В. В.Regional Competition for Confidence: Features of Formation72
6Барсуков В. Н., Калачикова О. Н.Study of the Quality of Life of the Older Generation: a Regional Experience88
7Осипова Л. Б., Энвери Л. А.Life Strategies of Young People: Sociological Research Experience108
8Воловская Н. М., Плюснина Л. К., Русина А. В.Monitoring of Opportunities f Development of Self-Employment in the Novosibirsk Oblast130
9Поварова А. И.Problems and Specific Features of Sub-Federal Budgets Execution in 2015144
10Воронова Н. С., Мирошниченко О. С., Тарасова А. Н.Determinants of the Russian Banking Sector Development as the Drivers of Economic Growth165
11Румянцев А. А.Institutional Capacity of Innovation Activity Development in the Region184
12Сяоцянь К., Шуцинь А.Research on the Development of Smart Tourism in Jiangxi Province under the Background of the “Internet +”199
13Панов А. М.Precarious Employment in the Vologda Oblast: Current State and Trends 206206