Статья "Comprehensive Assessment of Integration Activity o..."

Наименование статьиComprehensive Assessment of Integration Activity of Business Structures in Russian Regions
АннотацияIn the context of economic sanctions and growing international isolation, the research into regional differences in integration development acquires special relevance for Russia; this fact determines the need for a comprehensive assessment of integration activity of business structures in Russian regions. The diversity of approaches to the study of problems and prospects of economic integration and the current debate about the role of integration processes in the development of regional economies determined a comprehensive approach to the concepts of “integration” and “integration activity” in order to create objective prerequisites for analyzing integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia. The information base of the research is the data of Russian information and analytical agencies. The tools used in the research include methods for analyzing structural changes, methods for analyzing economic differentiation and concentration, nonparametric statistics methods, and econometric analysis methods. The first part of the paper shows that socio-economic development in constituent entities of Russia is closely connected with the operation of integrated business structures located on their territory. Having studied the structure and dynamics of integration activity, we reveal the growing heterogeneity of integration activity of business structures in Russian regions. The hypothesis about significant divergence of mergers and acquisitions for corporate structures in Russian regions was confirmed by high values of the Gini coefficient, the Herfindahl index and the decile differentiation coefficient. The second part of the paper contains a comparative analysis and proposes an econometric approach to the measurement of integration activity of business structures in subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of integral synthetic categories. The approach we propose focuses on the development of a system of indicators of integration activity that included five functional blocks: corporate control market, meso-economic indicators, finances of organizations, investment, economic crime and offences. The hierarchical system of statistical indicators and individual criteria of integration activity covers practically all the participants of market relations and comprehensively meets the requirements of state regulation institutions. The results of the study are of practical significance, because they can be used to improve current federal programs aimed to level the imbalances in socio-economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis presented in the paper it is possible to form an infrastructure of the market of mergers and acquisitions and to work out regional policies for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian regions.
Ключевые словаbusiness structure, integration activity, regional economy, mergers and acquisitions, structural changes, econometric approach
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Карелина М. Г.