Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2016
Дата выпуска2016-11-28

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Russian President Got a Constitutional Majority in the State Duma of the Seventh Convocation9
2Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society27
3Полтерович В. М.Institutions of Catching-up Development (On the Project of a New Model for Economic Development of Russia)34
4Попов Е. В., Веретенникова А. Ю., Омонов Ж. К.Institutional Mechanism for Shaping Social Innovation57
5Калачикова О. Н., Барсуков В. Н., Короленко А. В., Шулепов Е. Б.Determinants of Active Longevity: Results of a Survey of Vologda Long-Livers76
6Ма С.Research on Influence of Social Transformation on Rural Poor Aged People95
7Карелина М. Г.Comprehensive Assessment of Integration Activity of Business Structures in Russian Regions103
8Полухина А. Н., Шерешева М. Ю., Рукомойникова В. П., Напольских Д. Л.The Rationale for Comparative Effectiveness of Tourist Potential Realization (Case Study of the Volga Region)122
9Гулин К. А., Россошанский А. И.Russian and Foreign Experience of Integration of Agent-Based Models and Geographic Information Systems141
10Тихомирова В. В.Issues of Formation and Use of Financial Resources of the Social Welfare System (Case Study of the Komi Republic)158
11Чекмарева Е. А.Research into the Conditions and Drivers of Labor Potential Reproduction in the Vologda Oblast Municipal Districts173
12Оуй П., Дхондт С., Жяубярите-Якштиене Р., Коррал А., Тоттердилл П.Implementing Workplace Innovation Across Europe: Why, How and What?195
13Яшалова Н. Н., Рубан Д. А.Development of Green Business as an Approach to Financing the Greening of Economy219
14Безнин М. А., Димони Т. М.Revisiting the Type of Economic System in the USSR238
15Полешкина И. О.Supply Chain Management as a Driving Force for Generating Competitive Advantage for Dairy Companies251
16Маковеев В. Н.Using Agent-Based Models in the Analysis and Forecast of Socio-Economic Development of Territories272