Статья "The Rationale for Comparative Effectiveness of Tou..."

Наименование статьиThe Rationale for Comparative Effectiveness of Tourist Potential Realization (Case Study of the Volga Region)
АннотацияThe article presents the analysis of long-term tourism development programs of the Volga Region. Great attention is given to the sector’s financing measures set out in development programs. Domestic and foreign tourist potential assessment methods are analyzed. Tourist potential dynamics of the Volga Region is studied based on expert opinion. Using econometric approach the authors study the correlation between tourism investments and incomes of the Volga Region for the past six years — from 2009 to 2014. The analysis was carried out using statistics provided by the Russian Tourism Association and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation by category of profitability from paid tourist services and from hospitality and catering services. The conducted analysis helped construct the figures showing the differentiation of the Volga regions by tourism investment efficiency and tourist potential realization. It is shown that tourist potential of the territories and its realization are highly differentiated. The sub-regions of the Volga Region are divided into groups according to the effectiveness of potential realization. The effectiveness of implementation of natural recreational and historical and cultural potential is higher in the sub-regions where places of tourist accommodation and entertainment are developed enough, effective mechanisms for programs implementation control are formed and the indicators of expected effectiveness of measures implementation are elaborated. The study has revealed the need for the development of common indicators of expected final results of tourism development programs. The use of a unified system of standardized indicators should become the principle of monitoring the implementation of regional tourism development programs. Data obtained by the research will be useful for the improvement of the existing regional tourism development programs.
Ключевые словаtourist potential, long-term tourism development program, tourism infrastructure, efficiency of investments, efficiency indicators
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Полухина А. Н., Шерешева М. Ю., Рукомойникова В. П., Напольских Д. Л.