Статья "Mechanisms for Forming IT-clusters as “Growth Pole..."

Наименование статьиMechanisms for Forming IT-clusters as “Growth Poles” in Regions of Kazakhstan on the Way to “Industry 4.0”
АннотацияThe main prerequisite for successful innovative development is the natural course of modernization of world industries, currently characterized by the transition to “Industry 4.0”, where the main driver is information technology (including digital). With regard to the Kazakhstan economy, the emphasis is increased according to the Message of the President of Khazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. to the people of Kazakhstan “The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness”, dated 31.01.2017. He delivered “the first priority – accelerated technological modernization of the economy”. At the same time, an important aspect of accelerated technological modernization is the provision that it is important “to cultivate new industries that are created with the use of digital technology”. The purpose for the article is to develop scientific and practical recommendations and effective organizational and economic mechanisms to form IT-clusters in the regions of Kazakhstan on the way to “Industry 4.0”. Within the framework of the set goal the following main objectives are addressed: research the concept of “growth poles” and the possibility of its use in the formation of an IT-cluster; study the effect of local factors on the IT-cluster formation; present organizational and economic mechanisms to form IT-clusters amid the transition to “Industry 4.0”. The fundamental difference between the ideas of this research from the existing similar ones lies in the fact that we formulate and propose scientific provisions concerning the formation of IT-clusters in Kazakhstan, expand the existing knowledge about the development of digital technology, green information and communication technology and the introduction of breakthrough smart projects in IT. The proposed scientific research applies general research methods which help explore and organize the available data through theoretical and practical analysis. In particular, the article implies the application of the following general research methods: generalization (establishing common properties and characteristics of clusters; any features can be identified (abstract-general) or essential); system analysis (study based on review of clusters as an integral set of elements in the set of relations and connections between them); simulation. The article proposes the mechanisms to form IT-clusters as growth poles in the medium and long term, taking into account the requirements of the four-stage model of IT-cluster formation and development (a strictly defined sequence).
Ключевые словаregions, regional economy, innovative development, cluster, IT-cluster, digital technology, green IT
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Киреева А. А., Цой А. А.