Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2018
Дата выпуска2018-05-21

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.“...And Most Importantly, There Will Be No Destitute People in Russia”9
2Бардаль А. Б.The Transport Complex of the Far East: Development Trends and Economic Role24
3Балацкий Е. В., Екимова Н. А.Opportunities for the Consolidation of Rating Products in the Internet Environment37
4Соловьева Т. С., Попов А. В., Каро-Гонсалес А., Ли Х.Social Innovation in Spain, China and Russia: Key Aspects of Development52
5Архипова М. Ю., Кучмаева О. В.Social Demand of Russians for Innovation (According to a Sample Survey)69
6Румянцев А. А.Research and Innovation Activity in the Region as a Driver of Its Sustainable Economic Development84
7Поварова А. И.Problems Related to Regional Budgeting amid Fiscal Consolidation100
8Чайка Л. В.Objectives and Methods of Analyzing Energy Efficiency in the Economy117
9Малышенко В. А., Малышенко К. А.Modeling Complex Financial Sustainability of a Corporation in the Age of Global Economic Crises127
10Родионова Е. В.Integration Processes in the Meat Products Sub-Complex of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia: Results, Specifics and Ways of Development144
11Нацун Л. Н., Шабунова А. А.On the Issue of Economic Cost of Disability160
12Осипова Л. Б., Колесник Е. А., Горева О. М.The Infrastructure Support for the Development of the Youth Sector in the Regional Labor Market175
13Устинова К. А.Human Potential of Russia’s Rural Areas: Assessment and Interpretation192
14Киреева А. А., Цой А. А.Mechanisms for Forming IT-clusters as “Growth Poles” in Regions of Kazakhstan on the Way to “Industry 4.0”212
15Гужавина Т. А.How Meanings Are Studied. A Review of the Monograph: Adam’yants T.Z. Social Meanings of Global Processes and Changes: Mechanisms and Catalysts225
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society231