Статья "Recycling in Modern Russia: Need, Challenges, and..."

Наименование статьиRecycling in Modern Russia: Need, Challenges, and Prospects
АннотацияAt present, in connection with the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009, the scientific community is discussing issues related to significant changes in the model of economic growth, its sources and factors, taking into account the so-called concept of “denouement” and its “reconciliation” with the geosphere restrictions on economic activity. Against this background, a neo-industrial paradigm of modern development proposed by the Russian economic school in the 2000s and focused on the resource aspect of the economy is gaining professional and public recognition. In this regard, the goals of our study are as follows: to develop the scientific idea of creating a new resource base for social reproduction on the basis of unused production and consumption waste, to identify barriers to establishing a recycling economy in Russia, and to work out proposals for effective development of recycling in the domestic economy. The study is based on an interdisciplinary (integrative) approach, which goes in line with the principles of sustainable economic and environmental growth, humanistic and inclusive development, and public-private partnership; thus, it is of fundamental importance for the analysis of the transformation of the model of economic growth in the process of changing the economic paradigm. In accordance with the above methodological approach, we consider waste resources that make a complete circle of transformations in the process of their movement as a special innovative factor in the economy; we substantiate the feasibility of using the definition of “recycling” in scientific discourse, and define it on the basis of the target task that consists in obtaining resources industrially from waste resources rather than extracting new resources; we propose to consider recycling as a new source of preserving the potential of economic growth for a long period and as a priority area of neo-industrial modernization of the Russian economy. This conceptual approach expands theoretical understanding of the neo-industrial development paradigm in terms of its mechanisms for ensuring environmental and socio-economic principles. The article analyzes the dynamics of environmental investment in the Russian Federation in 2000–2015 in the context of the sources of financing such investment; we model the resource potential of this kind of investment with the use of correlation and regression analysis. It is concluded that the low level of environmental investment is one of the main constraints to the development of recycling in today’s Russian economy. We formulate the proposals for expansion and effective functioning of the recycling industry in the Russian Federation.
Ключевые словаeconomic growth, geosphere restrictions on growth, new industrialization, waste resources, recycling, environmental investment
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Кормишкина Л. А., Кормишкин Е. Д., Королева Л. П., Колосков Д. А.