Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2018
Дата выпуска2018-12-05

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-15 из 15 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Revisiting the Issue Concerning the Future of Russian Statehood9
2Глазьев С. Ю.Potential Opportunities for the Growth of the Russian Economy and the Monetary Policy of the Bank of Russia30
3Баранов С. В., Скуфьина Т. П.Opportunities to Promote Economic Growth in Russia at a Rate Not Lower Than the World Average49
4Печенская-Полищук М. А.Budget Capacity in the System of Capacities of the Territory: Theoretical Issues61
5Шаров В. Ф., Пинская М. Р., Богачев С. В.Improving Governmental Support for the Export Credit of Foreign Trade in the Eurasian Space74
6Чичканов В. П., Чистова Е. В., Тырсин А. Н.General Assessment of the Effectiveness of Social Sphere Financing in Russia’s Regions87
7Леонов С. Н.Current State and the Features of Location of Small Business in Regions of Russia103
8Фаузер В. В., Смирнов А. В., Лыткина Т. С., Фаузер Г. Н.Sustainable Development in Russia’s Northern Regions: Labor Dimension120
9Юсупов К. Н., Тимирьянова В. М., Токтамышева Ю. С., Попов Д. В.Hierarchical and Spatial Effects in the Development of Municipalities137
10Кормишкина Л. А., Кормишкин Е. Д., Королева Л. П., Колосков Д. А.Recycling in Modern Russia: Need, Challenges, and Prospects155
11Ануфриев В. В., Михайлова Г. В., Давыдов Р. А., Киселев С. В.Impact of Socio-Economic and Environmental Changes on the Use of Hunting Resources by the Autochthonous Population of the Arctic171
12Налетина Д., Ачкар И., Вулетич А., Петляк К., Штулец И.Development Opportunities of Liner Maritime Passenger Traffic in the Republic of Croatia182
13Белехова Г. В., Россошанский А. И.Assessing the Factors That Determine People’s Financial Behavior: an Experience of Using Regression Analysis Based on Panel Data198
14Барсуков В. Н.Barriers to Social Integration of the Older Generation in the Context of Intergenerational Communication Issues214
15Шафранов-Куцев Г. Ф., Ефимова Г. З.Students and Income-Earning Youths: a Transformational Transition from Competition-Based Approach to Competitiveness231