Статья "Sustainable Development of the Agri-Food Sector: R..."

Наименование статьиSustainable Development of the Agri-Food Sector: Russia’s Priorities and Directions to Adapt Agenda 2030 to Russian Conditions
АннотацияIn 2015, at a UN Summit, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted; it contains 17 sustainable development goals crucially important for any country in the world. The scientific significance of solving the problem of sustainable development consists in the urgent task to adapt the sustainable development goals (SDGs) to national conditions of different countries and to form a mechanism for their achievement in various economic sectors. Since the central place in the Agenda is devoted to food security and sustainable development of agriculture, we identify the possibility of applying the system of SDGs to promote further sustainable development of Russian agricultural sector. The main scientific idea and goal of the present paper is to determine national priorities in the field of sustainable development on the basis of meaningful analysis of the current state of the agri-food complex; besides we search for possible directions to adapt the global Agenda 2030 to Russian conditions so as to improve existing agriculture development strategies and programs, taking into consideration the UN SDGs. We use system approach and statistical analysis to identify and specify relevant socio-economic and environmental issues in the Russian agri-food sector and to systematize them on the basis of the UN methodology. We believe that the proposed grouping of agri-food sector problems and their relationship with the UN SDGs can serve as a basis for constructing a concept for its sustainable development. We show that in order to adapt the 2030 Agenda it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of existing strategies and programs for development of the agri-food sector by comparing their goals, objectives and indicators with the global SDGs, identifying their inconsistencies and the possibilities to adjust them.
Ключевые словаsustainable development, national economy, agri-food sector, UN sustainable development goals, Russian priorities, indicators, adaptation
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Чередниченко О. А., Довготько Н. А., Яшалова Н. Н.