Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2018
Дата выпуска2019-01-29

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.“Russian Federation – a Welfare State?”9
2Лукин Е. В., Ускова Т. В.Structural Transformation Issues in Regional Economy26
3Носков В. А., Шишелов М. А.Approaches to the Assessment of the Natural Capital of Forests and the Prospects for Modernization of Forest Management in the Context of Green Economy41
4Ворошилов Н. В., Губанова Е. С.Territorial Differentiation and Mechanism for its Reduction57
5Кузин А. А., Медведева Н. А., Задумкин К. А., Вахрушева В. В.Development Scenarios for Russia’s Dairy Industry73
6Чередниченко О. А., Довготько Н. А., Яшалова Н. Н.Sustainable Development of the Agri-Food Sector: Russia’s Priorities and Directions to Adapt Agenda 2030 to Russian Conditions89
7Лаженцев В. Н., Чужмарова С. И., Чужмаров А. И.Taxation in the System of Natural Resource Management and its Influence on the Economic Development of Northern Territories109
8Давыденко В. А., Ромашкина Г. Ф., Андрианова Е. В., Лазутина Д. В.A Metaphor for Trust: the “Umbrella Effect” in Global Science127
9Белехова Г. В., Калачикова О. Н.“Live and Learn”: Conceptual Discourse on People’s Financial Literacy143
10Гринберг Р. С., Ахунов Р. Р., Володин А. И., Губарев Р. В., Дзюба Е. И.Performance-Based Pay – a New (Mixed) Payment Scheme for Russian Civil Servants163
11Зайков К. С., Кондратов Н. А., Кудряшова Е. В., Тамицкий А. М.The Need for Workforce in Constituent Entities of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation184
12Леньков Р. В.Provision of Social and Resource Support to the Policy of Socio-Cultural Modernization of Regions by the Population with Higher Education202
13Найден С. Н., Белоусова А. В.Social investment as a tool for modernization of the demographic development in the Far East212
14Лифшиц М. Л., Неклюдова Н. П.Factor Analysis Reflecting the Impact of Labor Migration on the Spread of Socially Dangerous Diseases in Russia229
15Дорошенко С. В., Ерошенко Е. П.University Partnership System as a Factor in the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship244
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society259