Статья "Russian Industrial Sector Development in the Conte..."

Наименование статьиRussian Industrial Sector Development in the Context of New Technological Revolution
АннотацияThe rapid spread of new technologies in all areas of human activity leads to rapid and profound changes in the structure of industrial production, global markets and the economic and social sphere. Modern developed countries seek growth sources on the basis of scientific and technological potential emerging in new information, digital and industrial technologies. Their development results in new technological revolution and accelerated productivity growth. In this regard, scientific understanding of organizational and methodological problems to form a technological basis for Russian economy growth in the context of global transformation of the world labor division system under the influence of largescale introduction of innovative technologies of the fourth industrial revolution will develop a paradigm and methodological tools for further implementation and successful realization of digital economy in the country, focused on improving industrial production efficiency through the use of new technologies. The purpose of this article is to study trends in formation and identification of problems to develop the Russian industrial sector in the context of new technological revolution. The paper generalizes theoretical foundations of the essence of innovative reforms in the economy in the fourth industrial revolution; analyses a state and trends of scientific and technological development of the country’s industrial sector, estimates a degree of readiness of its transition to digital economy; reveals functional possibilities of improving quality characteristics of the industrial sector; and determines directions of its state regulation in the conditions of digital transformation.
Ключевые словаnew technological revolution, digital economy, industrial sector development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Усков В. С.