Выпуск № 2

Номер выпуска2
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2019
Дата выпуска2019-06-10

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
2Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.“Intellectual Feebleness” of the Ruling Elites and the “Deep People” of the “Long State”9
3Сухарев О. С.Technological Development: Investment Structure Impact36
4Изотов Д. А.Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments in Russia’s Regions: Potential and Risk Factors56
5Степанова В. В., Уханова А. В., Григорищин А. В., Яхяев Д. Б.Evaluating Digital Ecosystems in Russia’s Regions73
6Мельников А. Е.Investment Processes and Structural Changes in the Economy of Old Industrial Regions of the Northwestern Federal District91
7Кабанов В. А.Territorial Planning and Zipf’s Law103
8Стельмах В. С.Methodological Aspects of Predicting the Probability of Bankruptcy on the Example of Pharmaceutical Companies115
9Усков В. С.Russian Industrial Sector Development in the Context of New Technological Revolution128
10Калачикова О. Н., Груздева М. А.Social Vulnerability of Families with Children in Modern Russia147
11Беркович М. И., Духанина Л. Н., Максименко А. А., Надуткина И. Э.Perception of Corruption as a Socio-Economic Phenomenon by the Population of a Region: the Structural Aspect161
12Смолева Е. О.Criteria and Resources for Social Adaptation of Russia’s Population179
13Ненашева М. В.Social Impact Assessment as a Tool for Sustainable Development of the Russian Arctic196
14Перекаренкова Ю. А., Крышка В. И.Minimum Wage and the Subsistence Level in the Russian Economy: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Main Trends210
15Матвейчук В., Воронов В. В., Самуль И.Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Workers from Generations X and Y: Regional Research225
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society238