Статья "Perception of Corruption as a Socio-Economic Pheno..."

Наименование статьиPerception of Corruption as a Socio-Economic Phenomenon by the Population of a Region: the Structural Aspect
АннотацияThe article presents an experience of a structured study of a special socio-economic phenomenon – corruption – in the aspect of its perception by different groups of population of a region. The study was conducted by Kostroma regional branch of the Russian Society of Sociologists in several stages: civil servants of the Kostroma Oblast Administration were interviewed in 2015, an online survey of university graduates of the city of Kostroma was conducted in November 2016, and finally, surveys of representatives of the business community1 of the Kostroma Oblast were conducted in 2017. The goal of the survey was to assess the perception of corruption as a socio-economic phenomenon; the assessment was carried out through analyzing and interpreting the data obtained in the course of the surveys on the following topics: assessment of the level of corruption in general, perception of the level and dynamics of corruption, and possible ways to overcome corruption, according to respondents. Having interpreted the results of the survey we reveal the attitude of different target audiences toward the understanding of the phenomenon of corruption, its causes, and ways to combat it. In the context of the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin “On the national anti-corruption plan for 2018–2020” signed June 29, 2018, the data we have obtained become particularly relevant for the development of sociological research techniques to assess the level of corruption in constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Section I, Paragraph 1, Letter “a”) and to conduct scientific interdisciplinary studies, the results of which can be used to prepare proposals aimed to enhance anti-corruption measures and increase the efficiency of such measures in the business sector (Section V, Paragraph 21, Letter “b”).
Ключевые словаperception of the level of corruption, combating corruption, structural analysis, prevalence of corruption manifestations
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Беркович М. И., Духанина Л. Н., Максименко А. А., Надуткина И. Э.