Статья "Nationally Oriented Rotation of the Elites – the M..."

Наименование статьиNationally Oriented Rotation of the Elites – the Most Important Condition for the Implementation of National Projects
АннотацияIn the previous issues of our journal12 we have repeatedly addressed the problem of ineffective-ness of the Government’s implementation of the President’s instructions, which Vladimir Putin voiced in his Addresses to the Federal Assembly, in “May Decrees”, etc. In the 2018–2024 political cycle, the main directions of state policy are implemented through 12 national projects. The comprehensive analysis of expert opinions urges us to talk about the threat of disruption of their implementation once again. The following materials analyze the essence of national projects, the dynamics of their implementation, since their adoption (2005), during V. Putin’s third presidential term (2012–2018), as well as the specifics of the current socio-political situation in Russia in 2018–2019, which urgently requires a qualitative increase in the responsibility of the elites for the comprehensive achievement of the targets specified in the national projects for 2018–2024.
Ключевые словаnational projects, public administration efficiency, national interests, President
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.