Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2019
Дата выпуска2019-09-27

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Nationally Oriented Rotation of the Elites – the Most Important Condition for the Implementation of National Projects9
2Минакир П. А., Леонов С. Н.Regional Public Debt: Trends and Formation Specifics 26
3Окрепилов В. В., Кузнецов С. В., Межевич Н. М., Свириденко М. В.Urbanization Processes in the Context of Spatial Development Patterns of Municipalities in the Zone of Influence of Megacities42
4Наумов И. В., Трынов А. В.Modeling the Investment Attractiveness of the Types of Economic Activities in the Region with the Use of the Matrix of Financial Flows 53
5Литвинова А. В., Талалаева Н. С., Парфенова М. В.Development of Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Effectiveness of Import Substitution in Russia67
6Шабунова А. А., Косыгина К. Е.Public Administration Issues in the Development of the Non-Profit Sector at the Regional Level 86
7Отмахова Ю. С., Усенко Н. И., Девяткин Д. А., Сонгкассири В.Assessing Export Potential of the Country in the Context of Global Demand in the World Food Market104
8Лаженцев В. Н., Чужмарова С. И., Чужмаров А. И.Procurement of Hunting Resources in the System of Fiscal Relations (Case Study of the Northern Regions of Russia)123
9Белехова Г. В., Басова Е. А.Financial Behavior of the Population during the 2014–2015 Economic Crisis137
10Беляева Л. А.Social Capital: Problem Field and Empirical Research154
11Барсуков В. Н.From the Demographic Dividend to Population Ageing: World Trends in the System-Wide Transition167
12Пасовец Ю. М.Secondary Employment of Students as a Factor in the Professionalization and Social Integration of Young People183
13Нацун Л. Н.The Increase in the Number of Disabled Population in European Countries as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Their Health Policies200
14Геренчер И.The Role of Individual Responsibility in Territorial Development220
15Медведева О. О., Жук А. О.Managing an Economic Journal Efficiently: Trends and Challenges234
16Бахвалова И. М., Параничева И. В., Морев М. В.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society239
17AUTHOR GUIDELINES for Submission of Manuscripts to the Editor of the Scientific Journal247
18Subscription Information251