Статья "Development of Methodological Approaches to Assess..."

Наименование статьиDevelopment of Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Effectiveness of Import Substitution in Russia
АннотацияThe relevance of the study is due to the fact that the process of import substitution, which is on the rise in the country, requires a reliable and accurate quantitative assessment of its effectiveness. The main idea of the study is to assess the effectiveness of import substitution as a complex multidimensional phenomenon characterized by multidirectional and contradictory dynamics of its processes in their unity, relationship and mutual influence. The goal of the study is to develop a method for integrated assessment of import substitution effectiveness on the basis of theoretical substantiation of its principles and provisions. To achieve the goal we use such methods as analysis and generalization of existing methodological approaches to its assessment. The hypothesis of the study is based on the fact that the method we have developed allows us not only to make a reliable assessment of the effectiveness of import substitution, but also to predict the directions of its increase. Our research develops the works of other authors in the field of integrated assessment of import substitution effectiveness: we elaborate a comprehensive system of target performance indicators (the system has not been used before) and assess the trends in the development of import substitution processes structured in the context of domestic production, export and import of goods subject to import substitution, according to the degree of achievement of these indicators. The study was carried out with the use of methods such as factor determinant and structural-dynamic analysis, and multi-criteria optimization method. The technique was tested on the example of food products – the flagship of domestic import substitution. We reveal the processes that hinder import substitution in the food industry and some positive trends in import substitution that confirm its effectiveness. We calculate an optimal structure of commodity resources, which ensures the achievement of import substitution effectiveness in the food industry to the fullest extent. It is advisable to apply our technique in the field of import substitution in individual commodity groups, each of which has its own features in the formation of imports, exports, domestic production and their specifics in the context of research tasks. We plan to continue our research in the development of methods for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of import substitution on economic growth in the country.
Ключевые словаimport substitution; efficiency, import substitution effectiveness; assessing import substitution effectiveness; sanctions; food products
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Литвинова А. В., Талалаева Н. С., Парфенова М. В.