Статья "Analyzing and Classifying the Implications of Empl..."

Наименование статьиAnalyzing and Classifying the Implications of Employment Precarization: Individual, Organizational and Social Levels
АннотацияCurrently, the concept of employment precarization is one of the most discussed topics in the field of social and labor relations. It is due to the fact that this phenomenon affects more people than unemployment and poses a threat to the provision of decent working conditions in modern economic environment, when flexible forms of employment are coming to the fore. Their use, despite many positive aspects, often leads to the destabilization of labor relations, the effects of which go far beyond the specific workplace. In this regard, the goal of our article is to study and classify the implications of employment precarization at different levels of society organization. We use general scientific methods such as critical analysis, generalization, comparison, and classification, which serve as the basis for the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the subject. The findings of our study prove that the effects of employment precarization are indeed multifaceted. At the individual level, this is manifested in the deterioration of material well-being, social security and health, and also in the uncertainty of personal/family and professional prospects. There may be benefits in the framework of the organization, but the destabilization of labour relations poses far greater threats, such as reduced productivity, increased staff turnover, and increased costs associated with the health and safety of employees. All this can have a negative impact on the life of society as a whole, affecting the functioning of the labor market, the degree of social cohesion, the stability of the political situation, the scale of social inequality and social exclusion, and the pace of socio-economic development. The prospects for further research are to consider the implications of employment precarization, taking into account the specifics of the social and labor sphere in Russia.
Ключевые словаemployment precarization, labor market, unstable employment, non-standard employment, social and labor relations, precariat.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Попов А. В., Соловьева Т. С.