Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2019
Дата выпуска2020-02-03

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-20 из 20 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Морев М. В., Ильин В. А.Civil Society and the Transit of Power in 20249
2Шабунова А. А., Доброхлеб В. Г., Медведева Е. И., Крошилин С. В., Сухоцкая Л., Шухатович В. Р., Леонидова Г. В., Молчанова Е. В.The Successfulness of a Modern Individual: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Study27
3Чарушин В. Н., Лаврикова Ю. Г., Акбердина В. В.Research Potential of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a Strategic Factor in Regional Development51
4Макаров В. Л., Бахтизин А. Р., Сушко Е. Д., Сушко Г. Б.Agent-Based Supercomputer Demographic Model of Russia: Approbation Analysis74
5Кожевников С. А.Spatial and Territorial Development of the European North: Trends and Priorities of Transformation91
6Суворова А. В.Development of Growth Poles in the Russian Federation: Direct and Reverse Effects110
7Лукин Е. В.Sectoral and Territorial Specifics of Value-Added Chains in Russia: the Input-Output Approach129
8Бардаль А. Б.The Potential for Integration of the Transport Complex of the East of Russia into the International Market of Transport Services150
9Леонидова Е. Г., Сидоров М. А.Structural Changes in the Economy: Searching for Sectoral Drivers of Growth166
10Попов А. В., Соловьева Т. С.Analyzing and Classifying the Implications of Employment Precarization: Individual, Organizational and Social Levels182
11Алешковский И. А., Гребенюк А. А., Кравец В. А., Максимова А. С.Foreign Migrants in the Russian Labor Market: the Estimate of Their Overall Number and Their Contribution to Russia’s GDP197
12Ростовская Т. К., Кучмаева О. В., Безвербная Н. А.Current State and Prospects of Family Policy in Russia: Socio-Demographic Analysis209
13Попова Л. А., Зорина Е. Н.Regional Reserves for Raising Life Expectancy in the Conditions of Convergence of Its Level228
14Зубок Ю. А., Чупров В. И.Self-Regulation of the Image of Labor in Young People’s Cultural Space243
15Мельничук М. В., Грузина Ю. М., Фирсова И. А.Formation of Scientific and Educational Values in the System of Youth Motivation260
16Гулин К. А.Revisiting the Issue of the “Initial Accumulation of Capital” in Post-Soviet Russia276
17Третьякова О. В.Russian Economic Journals Indexed in Web of Science: Current State and the Ways of Increasing International Visibility292
18Морев М. В., Параничева И. В., Бахвалова И. М.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society312
19Index of articles published in 2019320
20AUTHOR GUIDELINES for Submission of Manuscripts to the Editor of the Scientific Journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast325