Статья "Formation of Scientific and Educational Values in..."

Наименование статьиFormation of Scientific and Educational Values in the System of Youth Motivation
АннотацияThe system of values is the “foundation” of the attitude toward the world. In the modern information society, the motivational and target component of work with the younger generation should lead to the formation of an “integrative profile” of an individual who possesses professional competencies of a high level that are in demand in research and educational spheres, as well as in project activities. Motivation is largely determined not only by internal characteristics of an individual, but also by the ways in which activity is carried out; this activity in the process of its implementation should be targeted, directional, predictable and analytical, with monitoring, evaluation of efficiency and adjustment of its implementation, i.e. it should be conscious activity. Our goal is to identify new mechanisms of state stimulation of topical and priority areas of youth policy in the field of university science and identify possible routes for the development of values. We adhere to the basic idea of the need to take into account value orientations in the development of state youth policy. Desk research and sociological research were used as the main methods of the work. The desk study was conducted by analyzing the main directions of the state policy in the field of science and technology, normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, state programs and projects, and publications of international organizations. The study collected data on existing forms and measures of incentives and support for student youth. In order to test theoretical approaches to motivation and identification of the main factors contributing to youth participation in research activities, a sociological study was conducted among university students.
Ключевые словаvalue system, youth motivation, internal motivation, external motivation, scientific activity, incentive mechanisms.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Мельничук М. В., Грузина Ю. М., Фирсова И. А.