Статья "Problems of the State Industrial Policy Formation..."

Наименование статьиProblems of the State Industrial Policy Formation within Economic Digitalization
АннотацияUpcoming stage of the Russian economy formation is related to breakthrough toward new technologies that provide accelerated and advanced development of the country. In this situation, organizational and structural changes that meet the growth requirements of the economy and its foundation – industrial base – act as priorities of the socio-economic development. Newly emerging industrial policy, aimed at the deep structural modernization of the production sector of the Russian economy as the main object of this policy and digital transformation, is especially important in this context. The purpose of this work is to study problems of the formation of the industrial policy within scientific and technological changes and economic digitalization, as well as to substantiate areas of the state regulation concerning the industrial sector of the Russian Federation. We sum up theoretical and methodological basics of the industrial policy formation, review theoretical foundations of the industrialization essence and technological changes within economic digitalization, conduct the analysis of the state, trends, and problems of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation’s industrial sector, assess the readiness of the industrial sector to digital transformation, define priorities of the Russian Federation’s industrial policy aimed at economic intensification and socio-economic development of the country. The scientific novelty of the study consists of the expansion of methodological approaches to ensuring the growth of the Russian economy and increasing its competitiveness within the new industrialization based on the formation of industrial policy in accordance with scientific and technological changes and economic digitalization.
Ключевые словаindustrial policy, new industrialization, digitalization of the economy, economic growth, state, trends, areas of development.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Усков В. С.