Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2020
Дата выпуска2021-02-20

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ускова Т. В.The Problems of Sustainable Development and Strategic Planning in the Studies of the Vologda Research Center of RAS9
2Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Russian Statehood in the Face of the “Corruption of the Elites” Threat24
3Лаврикова Ю. Г., Андреева Е. Л., Ратнер А. В.The Impact of Foreign Economic Activity on Regional Development: Comparative Analysis of Russian and Foreign Experience54
4Кожевников С. А.Integration of Economic Space of the Northern Region: Features and Problems of Ensuring68
5Исаев А. Г.Analyzing Distribution Effects of the Federal Budget Transfers for the Far East84
6Лукин Е. В., Аносова Т. С., Мельников А. Е., Сидоров М. А.Experience in Agent-Based Modeling of Interregional Value Chains101
7Кетова К. В.Neural Network Forecasting Algorithm as a Tool for Assessing Human Capital Trends of the Socio-Economic System117
8Усков В. С.Problems of the State Industrial Policy Formation within Economic Digitalization134
9Наумов И. В.Role of Financial Resources of the Economy’s Banking Sector in Russian Regions’ Socio-Economic Development152
10Румянцев Н. М., Леонидова Е. Г.Asymmetry Problems of Structural Shifts in Regional Economy169
11Блинова Т. В., Русановский В. А., Марков В. А.Assessment of the Reaction of Cyclical Unemployment to the Economic Decline and Recovery Growth in Russia184
12Эскиндаров М. А., Грузина Ю. М., Фирсова И. А., Мельничук М. В.Human Capital Competencies in High-Tech and Knowledge-Intensive Sectors of the Economy199
13Зубок Ю. А., Чупров В. И.Youth’s Activity in Changing Reality: Self-Regulation Contradictions215
14Ромашкина Г. Ф., Худякова М. В.Sociological Analysis of Human Capital Factors and Resources232
15Каро-Гонсалес А., Анабо А. Ф.Beyond Teaching and Research: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Evolving Roles of Higher Education252
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society267
17Index of articles published in 2020278
18Author Guidelines282