Статья "Educational Migration of School Leavers from Karel..."

Наименование статьиEducational Migration of School Leavers from Karelia: Arctic Specifics
АннотацияStudying the migration plans of school leavers is important in the context of the reproduction of the region’s human capital. The article considers youth’s educational migration plans in the case of one of the Arctic regions (Republic of Karelia). The empirical base includes data of sociological research we conducted in November 2022. A total of 3,053 students in grades 8–11 from all districts of Karelia participated in the survey. The main aim of the research is to identify migration intensions of young people, namely school leavers as a social group on the way to choose vocational education in the region or outside it, the reasons for migration moods and potential willingness to return to the area after receiving a profession in another region. We have established that migration moods differ by regions of Karelia: educational plans of the majority of schoolchildren in Petrozavodsk are oriented outside the region, and the northern (non-Arctic) region of Karelia, on the contrary, to Petrozavodsk. However, school leavers of Arctic and southern regions are also focused on studying outside the region, where the flows from the regions are usually directed to the center of their region and then to other regions. It is important to assess the potential return of graduates who leave the region: most of those who are not going to study in Karelia are also going to work there. A comparison of actual and potential outflows of eleventh-graders from the region proves that in fact every third graduate leaves. Most graduates, disposed to leave, romanticize their plans, and only one in four families financially prepare for their child’s education in another region; the rest take no concrete action. The results obtained contribute to studying youth’s migration activity in Russia’s regions that are partially included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as detailed information is limited for such territories. In practical terms, the research results can form the analytical basis for the timely development of management mechanisms to strengthen and retain youth in the Arctic regions.
Ключевые словаeducational migration, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, migration plans, school leavers, Republic of Karelia.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Симакова А. В., Степусь И. С.