Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2023
Дата выпуска2023-07-12

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Evolving Threats to National Security9
2Тощенко Ж. Т.Social Contract: Historical and Contemporary Realities in Soviet/Russian Society39
3Машкова А. Л., Бахтизин А. Р.Analyzing the Industry Structure and Dynamics of Commodity Exchange between Russia, China, the USA and the EU under Trade Restrictions54
4Балацкий Е. В.Institutional Erosion and Economic Growth81
5Изотов Д. А.Trade Effects in the Commodity Markets of the Asia-Pacific Region102
6Ворошилов Н. В.Conceptual Approach to the Formation of the Monitoring of Socio-Economic Development of Municipal Entities in Russia’s Regions118
7Пугачев А. А.Economic Inequality of Citizens beyond Averages: Assessment in the Conditions of its Transformation141
8Копытова Е. Д., Пахнина С. Ю.Experience in Project Management of Socio-Economic Processes at the Municipal Level of Government159
9Горлов С. Н., Федорец А. Е.Russia’s Payment System in the New Geopolitical and Economic Conditions: Problems and Prospects183
10Бобков В. Н., Одинцова Е. В.The Employment Quality Potential of Generation Groups of Workers and the Economic Sustainability of Their Households196
11Ромашкина Г. Ф., Андрианов К. В., Скрипнюк Д. Ф.The Inflation and Unemployment Processes During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic212
12Архангельский В. Н., Богдан И. В., Калачикова О. Н., Чистякова Д. П.Specifics of Reproductive Behavior of Female Residents of Moscow231
13Симакова А. В., Степусь И. С.Educational Migration of School Leavers from Karelia: Arctic Specifics247
14Нацун Л. Н.Assessing the Influence of Medical, Demographic and Economic Factors on the Dynamics of Infant Mortality in Russia’s Regions265
15Вольчик В. В., Цыганков С. С., Маскаев А. И.Evolution of the National Innovation Systems of the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Iran284
16Энсисо-Сантосильдес М., Каро-Гонсалес А.Harnessing the Potential of Social Economy to Generate an Encompassing Triple Transition: Social, Green and Digital302
17Морев М. В., Бахвалова И. М.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society320