Статья "Identifying Barriers to the Functioning of Sociall..."

Наименование статьиIdentifying Barriers to the Functioning of Socially Oriented Nonprofit Organizations as an Active Subject of the Regional Economy (on the Example of Perm Territory)
АннотацияDue to the difficult socio-economic situation of Russia’s regions, it is necessary to involve nongovernmental providers of socially significant services to eliminate government failures. In this regard, socially oriented nonprofit organizations play an important role. As practice shows, despite the recognized importance of such organizations, their potential in the regional economy is not implemented to the fullest extent. Reasons for such a situation are studied in a large number of works, but they do not always take into account territorial specifics, which makes it difficult to identify specific areas of problem solving. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify barriers to and prerequisites for the sustainable development of socially oriented nonprofit organizations as an active subject of the regional economy, effectively implementing its functions in socially significant sectors of the economy on a systematic and long-term basis. To achieve this goal, we analyze the functioning of socially oriented nonprofit organizations (using the example of Perm Territory). The information base includes a set of relevant regulatory documents, data from state and departmental statistics, ratings of RF constituent entities, findings of sociological research commissioned by the Grants Fund of the Governor of Perm Territory in 2020–2022. We systematize the problems that socially oriented nonprofit organizations deal with in their work, according to the impact on the organization, respectively, related to the external and internal environment. On this basis, we outline the conditions necessary to increase the sustainability of the development of socially oriented nonprofit organizations in the region
Ключевые словаregional economy, potential, problems in SONPO functioning, barriers to SONPO development, sustainable development of SONPOs
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Базуева Е. В., Артамонова А. С., Малкова Е. В.