Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2023
Дата выпуска2024-02-09

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-18 из 18 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.At an Intermediate Stage on the Way toward Cultural Sovereignty9
2Изотов Д. А.The Impact of Geographical Factors on Expanding Trade Interactions between Countries (on the Example of the Asia-Pacific Region)38
3Гусев А. Б., Юревич М. А.Catching-Up and Outstripping Development of the Russian Pharmaceutical Industry55
4Румянцев Н. М.Promising Economic Specializations within a Macroregion (the Case of the Northwestern Federal District)74
5Афанасьев М. Ю., Гусев А. А., Нанавян А. М.Assessing the Professional Structure of the Employed Population in Russian Regions on the Basis of Economic Complexity Concept91
6Базуева Е. В., Артамонова А. С., Малкова Е. В.Identifying Barriers to the Functioning of Socially Oriented Nonprofit Organizations as an Active Subject of the Regional Economy (on the Example of Perm Territory)108
7Веретенникова А. Ю.Scenarios for the development of the Sharing Economy: Digital Technologies and Value Orientations122
8Веретенникова А. Ю.Scenarios for the development of the Sharing Economy: Digital Technologies and Value Orientations122
9Каргаполова Е. В., Ланчук И. В., Кошкин А. П.An Entrepreneur in the Context of New Challenges (Using the Example of the Territories of the Republic of Belarus)138
10Васильева И. Н., Розова О. Л., Корнеева Н. Д., Богатова Р. С.Efficiency of State Policy in the Field of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation: Assessment Methodology and Approbation Results155
11Рубинштейн А. Ю., Бураков Н. А.Journal Rankings: Theory, Methodology, Bibliometry174
12Мишеничев К. С., Бородкина О. И.Challenges of Social Integration of Young Temporary Migrants from Russia in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Context of Geopolitical Instability191
13Осадчая Г. И., Вартанова М. Л.Assessing the Potential of the Diaspora in the Formation of Socio-Economic Well-Being of Migrants from Armenia in Russia208
14Баймурзина Г. Р., Ягафарова Д. Г., Кабашова Е. В.Relationship between Informal Employment and Socio-Economic Development in Russian Regions223
15Попов А. В.The Impact of Precarization on the Standard of Living and Employment Situation of Russian Youth236
16Камарова Т. А., Маркова Т. Л., Тонких Н. В.Impact of the Digitalization of Employment on the Work–Family Balance: Russians’ Subjective Assessments252
17Крейденко Т. Ф., Мизинцева М. Ф., Холина В. Н.Approaches to Assessing the Effectiveness of the Export of Educational Services by Universities in the Cities – University Centers of Russia270
18Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society289