Статья "Energy consumption, oil price and macroeconomic pe..."

Наименование статьиEnergy consumption, oil price and macroeconomic performance in energy dependent African countries
АннотацияThis study focuses on the relationship between energy consumption, oil price and macroeconomic performance of selected energy-dependent African countries. It was observed that energy consumption and crude oil price positively and significantly enhanced output growth but their impact on exchange rate is contradictory. Also, energy consumption and oil price were found to reduce inflation rate in the selected countries. It is therefore recommended that energy-dependent African countries should increase power generation and enhance crude oil local refining at affordable rates to boost energy consumption and reduce negative exogenous oil price shock on the macroeconomy.
Ключевые словаenergy consumption, oil price, macroeconomic performance, African countries
ЖурналПрикладная эконометрика
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Eregha P. B., Mesagan E. P.