Статья "On the Impact of Exports on the Number of Employed..."

Наименование статьиOn the Impact of Exports on the Number of Employed Population and on the Professional Structure of Employment in Russia: An Input – Output Approach
АннотацияThe transformation of export activity, which is a “pillar” of the Russian economy and some of its regions, taking place amid geopolitical instability, determines the importance of assessing the consequences of this process for employment, as well as searching for the most promising types of economic activity that could become locomotives of development in the new economic conditions. In this regard, the aim of our study is to assess the impact of export activities on the number and professional structure of employment, as well as to identify promising areas for changing the structure of Russian exports. The multi-country input – output tables of the international database “The World Input – Output Database” served as the basis for modeling; the information base also included data from Rosstat and the Federal Customs Service. The study is of particular relevance, since the most technologically developed territories and industries facing the risks of deterioration of the investment climate and quality of life. Based on an input – output approach, which, along with an assessment of the economic effect on employment from export activities, constitutes the novelty of the study, we identify promising industries for job creation in the context of professions; we also highlight industries with a high multiplier of production costs as promising areas of development. It is noted that the export of minerals, in comparison with other types of activities, has less impact on employment. We point out the branches of the Russian economy, the output of which brings a greater economic effect in comparison with export activities. It is concluded that increasing exports of products from these economic sectors, combined with the development of new types of production within the country, will significantly enhance the impact of export activities on the number of employees and on the professional structure of employment. The results can be useful to a wide range of researchers in the field of economics of industries and territories, as well as to federal and regional authorities in the development and revision of various strategic and sectoral documents.
Ключевые словаvalue chains, fragmentation of production, employment, exports, input – output tables
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Сидоров М. А.