Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2024
Дата выпуска2024-07-17

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.The Fifth Political Cycle of Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Cosmetic Repairs” for Crony Capitalism or a Transition to “Social Capitalism”?9
2Дементьев В. Е.On the Ability of Regions to Adapt to Various External Shocks36
3Костяев А. И.Digital Inequality between Urban and Rural Population50
4Ленчук Е. Б., Филатов В. И.Technological Sovereignty Projects as a Tool for Innovative Development of the Russian Economy68
5Якушев Н. О., Устинова К. А., Кочнев А. А.Import Substitution as a Factor in the Development of Domestic Digital Technology82
6Бывшев В. И., Королева С. А., Пантелеева И. А., Писарев И. В.Forecasting the Indicators of Scientific, Technological and Innovative Development of the Region Using Recurrent Neural Networks102
7Сидоров М. А.On the Impact of Exports on the Number of Employed Population and on the Professional Structure of Employment in Russia: An Input – Output Approach118
8Багирова А. П., Бледнова Н. Д.Corporate Demographic Policy as a Tool for Implementing the Strategic Interests of the State, Business and Employees137
9Золотарева О. А., Накисбаев Д. В.Demographic Security of Russia: Trends and Forecasts154
10Назарова И. Б., Карпова В. М., Ляликова С. В.Public Health Potential: Current State and Relation to Russian Regions’ Features174
11Шичкин И. А., Кожевникова М. О.The Impact of Precarity on Quality of Employment and Living Standards of Households of the Middle Generation Workers190
12Короленко А. В., Калачикова О. Н.Modern Territorial and Socio-Demographic Specifics of Long-Distance Commuting in Russia206
13Мухин М. А., Урасова А. А.Assessing the Interaction between Non-Profit Organizations and the Municipal Management System226
14Мыслякова Ю. Г., Неклюдова Н. П.National Economy Development Trends Highlighted by Leading Scholarly Journals242
15Леонов С. Н., Заостровских Е. А.Development of Inland Waterway Transport in Russia and the Experience of China258
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society275