Статья "Modern Territorial and Socio-Demographic Specifics..."

Наименование статьиModern Territorial and Socio-Demographic Specifics of Long-Distance Commuting in Russia
АннотацияThe uneven spatial development of Russia is manifested not only in the heterogeneity of residents’ settlement, but also in the transformation of the socio-economic sphere, including local labor markets shrinkage, which inevitably affects migration mobility. One of the most common types of migration is return short-term labor migration (otkhodnichestvo), in particular, long-distance commuting. Taking into account the socio-economic and socio-cultural contrasts of urban and rural areas, it is important to understand the differences in the scale of long-distance commuting and in the portrait of migrants themselves. The aim of the research is to assess regional differences in the contribution of rural and urban population to long-distance commuting, to identify socio-demographic characteristics of rural and urban rotational labor migrants. The information base includes data from the All-Russian Population Census-2020 and the selective monitoring of the use of the daily temporal resource by the population-2019. It is confirmed that rural population is more involved in long-distance commuting. Despite the fact that urban and rural long-distance commuting workers are involved mainly in long-term migration, the proportion of long-term departures is noticeably higher among the former, while short-term trips are more common among the latter. It is established that the majority of urban residents leave for work to other regions, while every third long-distance commuting migrant from rural areas leaves for work within the region of their residence. It is shown that Russia’s regions are markedly differentiated by the share of urban and rural residents in the total number of long-distance commuting migrants, and by the ratio of the contribution of urban and rural residents to general, short-term and long-term long-distance commuting, as well as intraregional and interregional long-distance commuting work. Typical features were confirmed in the socio-demographic portrait of long-distance commuting migrants, and rural–urban differences were revealed.
Ключевые словаotkhodnichestvo, long-distance commuting, rural–urban differences, socio-demographic portrait
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Короленко А. В., Калачикова О. Н.