Статья "The Impact of Precarity on Quality of Employment a..."

Наименование статьиThe Impact of Precarity on Quality of Employment and Living Standards of Households of the Middle Generation Workers
АннотацияThe relevance of the research topic is due to the growing impact of precarity on the quality of employment and standard of living among generational groups of economically active population. The opportunities and threats of current employment associated with standard of living may be manifested differently in these generational groups, especially among representatives of the middle generation. Information base of the study is compiled on basis of representative data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE (RLMS-HSE) for 2021. A sample has formed among employed and unemployed people of the middle generation in age from 36 years up to retirement age. The results obtained denote that the presence of a high level of education and specialized ICT skills enables qualified representatives of the middle generation to ensure sustainable employment and minimize precarity risks. In general, a higher level of ICT skills increases the possibilities of the middle generation to apply their present labor capacities in the labor market. It was discovered that precarious employment is found not only in poor population. It is common among all social groups according to living standards, while it is most evident among low-income households of middle generation workers with per capita incomes of 1–2 subsistence minimums. Taking into account the position of middle-generation people in employment, their qualification and educational characteristics, as well as level of ICT skills, this research has produced some recommendations, which will contribute to neutralize precarity threats and implement professional potential of middle-generation workers in order to enhance living standards of their households.
Ключевые словаprecarity, precarious employment, generational groups, households, middle-generation workers, quality of employment, standard of living, education, ICT-skills
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Шичкин И. А., Кожевникова М. О.