Статья "Assessing the Interaction between Non-Profit Organ..."

Наименование статьиAssessing the Interaction between Non-Profit Organizations and the Municipal Management System
АннотацияThe work brings to the fore the issue of improving the effectiveness of the municipal management system with the help of non-profit organizations’ resource. Our goal is to assess the interaction of non-profit organizations in the form of territorial public self-government with municipal administration subjects in the municipal management system of the city of Perm. The study hypothesis suggests that the activities of non-profit organizations in the form of territorial public self-government in the municipal management system should produce significant economic and managerial effects, thus increasing the effectiveness of the municipal management system and the municipal economy. Methodologically, the work is based on a synthesis of expert survey methods, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). We obtained a number of significant results: we substantiated key scientific categories, defined the basic concept of interaction between non-profit organizations and subjects of municipal government, determined the boundaries of the municipal management system; worked out a methodology for assessing the interaction of non-profit organizations in the municipal management system and tested it on the example of organizations in the form of territorial public self-government in the city of Perm. In particular, we proved that the performance indicators of non-profit organizations in the aggregate of indicators of the use of additional resources and the population are consistently and significantly interconnected with territorial development indicators; interaction with the municipal management system is consistently and significantly interconnected with territorial development indicators; the activities of non-profit organizations are indirectly interconnected with indicators reflecting the development of the territory, due to the processes of interaction with the municipal management system. Thus, we show the presence of direct and indirect effects from the activities of non-profit organizations in the territory, arising in the process of interaction with subjects of municipal government. The presence of such effects substantiates the importance of the activities of non-profit organizations in the form of territorial public administration in addressing issues of local importance, in organizing and implementing local events, in attracting additional funds to solve socio-economic issues of the territory.
Ключевые словаnon-profit organization, territorial public self-government, municipal management system, municipal management subjects
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Мухин М. А., Урасова А. А.