Статья "Анализ банковских кризисов и финансовой стабильнос..."

Наименование статьиАнализ банковских кризисов и финансовой стабильности с точки зрения концепции национального богатства (на английском языке)
АннотацияThe article explores a different, supplementary way to assess and manage a particular type of banking crises, those arising from a rise of nonperforming loans to the corporate sector. It relies on a “national wealth approach”, focusing on the distribution of net wealth among economic sectors and its interaction with developments in the banking system. It identifies avenues for policy response optimization, based on an integrated macrofinancial analytical framework, both for the prevention and the resolution of these types of economic events.
Ключевые словаbanking sector distress, national accounts, macrofinancial analysis integration
ЖурналВопросы статистики
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Фреко О.