Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2014
Дата выпуска2014-07-21

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-19 из 19 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Russia must go its own way9
2Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society16
3Губанов С. С.Neo-industrial development model and its system algorithm23
4Горшков М. К.On the axiomatic interpretation of the economic factors' impact on economic growth45
5Локосов В. В.The transition from extensive to intensive demographic policy57
6Шабунова А. А., Ласточкина М. А.Overcoming social inequality as an impetus to socio-cultural modernization69
7Леонидова Г. В., Попов А. В.Labor satisfaction as an indicator of public administration efficiency (sociological analysis)84
8Василенко П. В.Specifics of external migration into the Pskov Oblast100
9Кормишкина Л. А., Юленкова И. Б.Investment process financing in Russian business: assessment, trends, problems111
10Усенко Н. И., Отмахова Ю. С., Оловянишников А. Г.The issues of asymmetry of corporate and public interests in the food market124
11Барашева Т. И.What hinders the development of small businesses: the view of the Murmansk Oblast entrepreneurs140
12Гусаков М. А.Identification of directions and ways to transform the scientific and innovation space in different regions151
13Лаврикова Ю. Г., Котлярова С. Н.Innovation development of the construction complex in the region on the basis of cluster approach169
14Поварова А. И.Reduction of the fiscal function of corporate tax: the factors and ways of increase180
15Молчанова Е. В., Кручек М. М., Кибисова З. С.Building of the rating assessments of the Russian Federation subjects by the blocks of socio-economic indicators196
16Третьякова О. В.Economic journal: problems and prospects of promotion at the national and international level209
17Разгулина Е. Д.Estimation of the largest enterprises’ impact on the socio-economic development of territories223
18Панов А. М.Gender analysis of the Russian labor market235
19Ступникова А. В.Spatial behavior of prices in the Russian Federation in 2003-2012248