Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2014
Дата выпуска2014-09-15

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-20 из 22 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Scientific analysis of global challenges for Russia (on the article “How not to lose in the war” by Academician S.Y. Glazyev)9
2Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society16
3Осипов Г. В.Political blackmail – the eve of the global catastrophe24
4Тощенко Ж. Т.Economic consciousness and behavior: state and trends (1990–2012)36
5Румянцев А. А.Postindustrial technological way of production: time of emergence48
6Ускова Т. В., Чекавинский А. Н.Law on strategic planning in the Russian Federation: advantages and unresolved issues (expert evaluation)63
7Батчаев А. Р., Жихаревич Б. С.Saint Petersburg in the post-Soviet time: economic strategies and development68
8Дидык В. В., Рябова Л. А.Single-industry towns of the Russian Arctic: development strategy on the case study of the cities/towns in the Murmansk Oblast84
9Татаркин Д. А., Сидорова Е. Н.Assessment of the impact of the social reproduction process on economic development of the region (case study of the Sverdlovsk Oblast)100
10Соловьева Т. С., Шабунова А. А.Middle class in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District: expanded reproduction capabilities113
11Попова Л. А., Барашкова А. С.Development of marriage and family relationships in the northern regions of Russia130
12Базуева Е. В.Transformation of gender power disposition in modern families as a driving force of institutional changes148
13Кочешкова Л. О.Assessment of professional of the head of a socially-oriented establishment165
14Морев М. В.Importance of sociological knowledge at the present stage of development of the Russian society179
15Лавренюк Н. М.Possibilities of sociological knowledge to promote intellectual development of the region: experience of practical application in the Republic of Bashkortostan186
16Гужавина Т. А.Trust in the context of non-economic factors in modernization development190
17Ирназаров Р. И.Sociological research in the Soviet period in the Republic of Bashkortostan195
18Рохчин В. Е., Усков В. С.Ways to enhance the economic turnover of fruit and berry production in the region198
19Советов П. М., Волкова С. А., Советова Н. П.Conditions and factors promoting the movement of agricultural producers towards innovation-based development212
20Чекавинский А. Н., Селименков Р. Ю.Modelling of food security in the region226