Выпуск № 4

Номер выпуска4
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2017
Дата выпуска2017-10-06

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Development of Civil Society in Russia in Conditions of “Capitalism for the Few”9
2Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society41
3Губанов С. С.About the System Fundamentals of Russia’s Economic Security49
4Ускова Т. В., Лукин Е. В., Мельников А. Е., Леонидова Е. Г.Industrial Development Issues in the Economy of the Old Industrial Regions of Russia62
5Кригер А. Б., Ивин В. В.Application of Outsourcing in the Regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far Eastern Federal District78
6Кремин А. Е., Гулин К. А.Managing the Functioning of Small Business at the Municipal Level as a Driver of Regional Economic Development94
7Лихачева О. И., Советов П. М.Methodological Aspects of Governing Residential Solid Waste Management Sphere111
8Пономаренко А., Ларичкин Ф. Д., Щетинина К. В.Methodological Approach to Assessing the Value of the Project on the Development of a Deposit and the Creation of Value Added Chains128
9Поварова А. И.Administration of Regional Budgets in 2016: the Crisis Has Not Been Overcome144
10Шабунова А. А., Леонидова Г. В., Чекмарева Е. А.Socio-Cultural Reserves of Economic Growth: Productivity of the Work Chosen According to One’s Calling162
11Стыров М. М., Тихомирова В. В.Problems and Prospects of Spiritual and Moral Well-Being of the Russian People180
12Львова Н. А., Покровская Н. В., Иванов В. В.Socially Oriented Taxation and How It Is Perceived (Case Study of a Survey of Economists-To-Be)196
13Козлова О. А., Тухтарова Е. Х., Илинбаева Е. А.Methodological Issues of Assessing the Resilience of the Working-Age Population Against Negative Environmental Impacts212
14Галанов В. А., Галанова А. В., Шибаев С. Р.Random and Regular Stock Price Change Depending on a Time Span228
15Ферейра С., Каллу М., Андраде Ж., Гимарайш Ф.Migration in Times of Crisis: Can Entrepreneurship be a Solution? The Case of Brazilian Entrepreneurs in Lisbon (Portugal)242
16Чернышев К. А.The Study of Permanent Migration of Economically Depressed Regions259