Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2017
Дата выпуска2017-11-21

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.The President’s Unfinished Work. Public Administration System Is Not Ready to Function Without Manual Control9
2Шредер А., Попов А. В., Соловьева Т. С., Головчин М. А., Шабунова А. А.Social Innovation as an Effective Response to Modern Challenges in Education21
3Лаженцев В. Н.A Concept for Program Solution to the Issues of Formation and Development of Territorial-Economic Systems37
4Калашников К. Н.Public Administration Quality: Assessment Criteria in Comparative Territorial Frames51
5Скуфьина Т. П., Баранов С. В.The Phenomenon of Unevenness of Socio-Economic Development of Cities and Districts in the Murmansk Oblast: Specifics, Trends, Forecast, Regulation66
6Хмелева Г. А., Тюкавкин Н. М., Свиридова С. В., Чертопятов Д. А.Cluster Development of the Region on the Basis of Innovation Under the Sanctions (Case Study of the Petrochemical Complex in the Samara Oblast)83
7Смотрицкая И. И., Шувалов С. С.Development of the Government Procurement Institution (Toward the Formation of a New Model for the Contract Procurement System)99
8Котлярова С. Н., Лаврикова Ю. Г., Аверина Л. М.The Role of Industrial Production Localization in the Import Substitution Policy115
9Салина Т. К.Territorial Decomposition of Balanced Scorecard for Evaluation of Primary Energy Resources in Fuel and Energy Sector in the Northwestern Federal District to Ensure Its Sustainable Development128
10Игнатова И. В., Игнатов Е. С.Development of Entrepreneurship in the Region: Drivers and Problems143
11Тихонов А. В., Леньков Р. В.The Role of Institute of Higher Education in Solving the Issues of Socio-Cultural Modernization of Regions158
12Корнейко О. В.Value Orientations of Modern Entrepreneurship in Russia169
13Торцев А. М., Студенов И. И., Белоусов А. Н.Comparative Analysis of Domestic Approaches to Compensation for Damage Caused to Water Bioresources184
14Копытова Е. Д.Revisiting the Development of Cooperation Between the State, Business, and Society in Addressing Territorial Development Issues197
15Гулин К. А., Усков В. С.Trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (A review of the monograph: Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Translated from English (Top Business Awards)216
16Андрианова Е. В., Давыденко В. А., Ромашкина Г. Ф.5 th Tyumen International Sociological Forum and 13th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference on the Program “Socio-Cultural Evolution in Russia and Its Regions”222