Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2018
Дата выпуска2018-07-16

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-19 из 19 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.The Disturbing Future of 20249
2Сапир Ж.From Regional Science to "Smart Cities": Intellectual Legacies and Possible Ruptures25
3Минакир П. А., Суслов Д. В.Foreign Direct Investment in the Economy of the Russian Far East41
4Гулин К. А., Якушев Н. О., Мазилов Е. А.Promoting Economic Growth in Regions of the Russian Federation by Boosting the Development of Non-Resource-Based Exports57
5Кабанов В. Н.Principles of Deploying the Objects of Social and Transport Infrastructure in Regional Strategic Planning Documents71
6Доничев О. А., Фраймович Д. Ю., Грачев С. А.Regional System of Economic and Social Factors in the Formation of Innovation Development Resources84
7Дубровская Ю. В., Кудрявцева М. Р., Козоногова Е. В."Smart" Benchmarking as a Basis for Strategic Planning in Regional Development100
8Бакуменко О. А.The Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Managing Inter-Regional Interaction between Russia’s Constituent Entities (Case Study of the Northwestern Federal District)117
9Козлова О. А., Макарова М. Н.Inter-Municipal Cooperation as an Institution of Strategic Development of Territories132
10Шаклеина М. В., Шаклеин К. И.Building a Conceptual Model of Sector Development and Assessment of the System-Building Effect145
11Тихонова Т. В.Environmental Assessment of Economic Growth in the Northern Region162
12Третьякова О. В.The Impact Rating of Academic Journals in Economics: Ranking Criteria and Methodology179
13Петров М. Б., Курушина Е. В., Дружинина И. В.Institutional Response of Regional Socio-Economic Systems to Investing in Human Capital Increment: Assessment Technique195
14Головчин М. А., Мкоян Г. С.Youth in Former Soviet Republics in Conditions of Value Transformation of Society (Case Study of Russia and Armenia)215
15Зайков К. С., Каторин И. В., Тамицкий А. М.Migration Attitudes of the Students Enrolled in Arctic-Focused Higher Education Programs230
16Короленко А. В.Patterns of Population’s Self-Preservation Behavior: Research Approaches and Building Experience248
17Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society264
18AUTHOR GUIDELINES for Submission of Manuscripts to the Editor of the Scientific Journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast272