Выпуск № 1

Номер выпуска1
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2022
Дата выпуска2022-04-08

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Nationwide Poverty – “a Threat to Steady Development and Our Demographic Future”9
2Васильева И. Н., Покровский Д. С., Демидов А. В., Биткина И. В., Реброва Т. П.Methodology for Assessing Regional Specifics of Interaction between Foreign Scientists and Russian Scientific Organizations and Universities34
3Дианов С. В., Калашников К. Н., Ригин В. А.Agent-Based Modeling of Regional Healthcare: Addressing the Task of Formalizing Residents’ Medical Activity55
4Цапенко И. П., Юревич М. А.Nowcasting Migration Using Statistics of Online Queries74
5Машкова А. Л.Forecasting the Dissemination of Norms and Values in Russia with the Use of an Agent-Based Approach90
6Растворцева С. Н., Манаева И. В.Modern Development of Small and Medium-Sized Cities: Trends and Drivers110
7Гальцева Н. В., Фавстрицкая О. С., Шарыпова О. А.Substantiation for Including Municipalities of the Magadan Oblast in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation128
8Чередниченко О. А., Дорофеев А. Ф., Довготько Н. А.Assessing Governmental Policy Aimed at Promoting Innovation Activity in Agribusiness as a Factor in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals148
9Фомина В. Ф.Identifying the Effect of Decoupling in Major Economic Sectors of the Komi Republic176
10Гайнанов Д. А., Атаева А. Г., Мигранова Л. А., Атнабаева А. Р.Irrationality in the Behavior of Applicants as a Factor in the Imbalance of Labor Markets and Educational Services in the Region194
11Белехова Г. В., Ивановская А. Л.Satisfaction with the Work-Life Balance: Working Women’s View (Regional Aspect)209
12Сивоплясова С. Ю.Reproductive Attitudes of Modern Youth toward Multi-Child Parenting: Patterns and Contradictions223
13Антонова Н. Л., Абрамова С. Б., Гурарий А. Д.Classification of Non-Political Participation Practices of Urban Youth: Forms, Motivation, Barriers243
14Dynamics of Reading Habits of Modern Russian Students: A Sociological Analysis258
15Ромашкина Г. Ф., Груздева М. А.On the Results of the 16th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference “New Trends in Socio-Cultural Evolution in Russia’s Regions”276
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society283