Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2016
Дата выпуска2017-02-08

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-19 из 19 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Thirteenth Address of President Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: Transformation of Power as a Point for Discussion9
2Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society21
3Маркин В. В., Силин А. Н.Circumpolar Region amid Socio-Spatial Transformation of a Territory (Case Study of Yamal)28
4Кожевников С. А.Management of Vertically Integrated Systems Formation and Development in the Russian Economy53
5Надворная Г. Г., Климчук С. В., Оборин М. С., Гварлиани Т. Е.Theory and Methodology of Appraisal of Enterprise Economic Potential70
6Дерунова Е. А., Устинова Н. В., Дерунов В. А., Семенов А. С.Modeling of Diversification of Market as a Basis for Sustainable Economic Growth91
7Афанасьев Д. В., Гужавина Т. А., Мехова А. А.Social Capital in a Region: Revisiting the Measurement and Building of an Indicator Model110
8Шабунова А. А., Фахрадова Л. Н.Pressing Issues of Disability Employment126
9Короленко А. В., Калачикова О. Н.Maturity of Teenagers’ Occupational Preferences as a Factor in Their Socialization143
10Галухин А. В., Ускова Т. В.Improving the System of Management of Risks of the Income Base of Regions’ Consolidated Budgets162
11Игонина Л. Л., Мамонова И. В., Сулейманов М. М.Assessing the Efficiency of Tax Incentives in the System for Managing Regional Finances180
12Поварова А. И.Reforming Individual Income Tax Is the Crucial Factor in Stabilizing the Budgetary System193
13Лаврикова Ю. Г., Антипин И. А., Прядеин А. А., Суворова А. В.Major City Development Forecast: Designing the Innovative Future214
14Гаджиев Ю. А., Стыров М. М., Колечков Д. В., Шляхтина Н. В.Analysis of Innovation Potential of Northern Russian Regions236
15Чжан С.Environment-Concerned Treatment, Proper Policies for Different Households, Targeted Improvement: Industry Poverty Alleviation Mode of Ji’an County255
16Третьякова О. В.Publishing Activity of RAS Economic Institutes amid New Challenges of Science Policy266
17Гусева М. С., Амелькина Д. В., Дмитриева Е. О.Development of State and Small-Business Partnership in a Region’s Innovation Sector288
18Vladimir Ilyin and Jacques Sapir Were Elected Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences308
19Index of articles published in 2016312