Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2014
Дата выпуска2014-11-20

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-20 из 23 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.The necessity of a new development cycle9
2Public opinion monitoring of the state of the Russian society16
3Осипов Г. В.Metaphor of society (a sociological essay)22
4Шабунова А. А., Кондакова Н. А.Children’s health and development: results of a 20-year monitoring33
5Анисимов Р. И.Economic transformation in Russia in 1990—2012 and its reflection in the consciousness of the Russians55
6Аксенова О. В.Specifics of modernization in Russia’s regions69
7Морев М. В., Короленко А. В.Subjective factor in social development as a key resource for the consolidation of the Russian society78
8Ласточкина М. А.Monitoring of the region’s socio-cultural development as a component to enhance the effectiveness of social administration99
9Головчин М. А., Леонидова Г. В.Socio-cultural characteristics of the modern youth: some results of the pilot study113
10Козлова О. А., Величковский Б. Т., Дерстуганова Т. М.Methodological issues of assessing the effects of social inequality in Russia’s regions127
11Маркин В. В.Regional sociology and management: a “roadmap” for interaction135
12Соловьев А. К.Alleviation of pensioners’ poverty - a key task for the state and society in contemporary Russia143
13Гужавина Т. А.Trust and its role in the modernization development of the region156
14Афанасьев Д. В.Power and society: search for the ways of formation of mutual trust173
15Маршак А. Л.Cultural identity as a factor in strengthening the integrity of Russia179
16Егорышев С. В.Sociological analysis of the efficiency of social interaction between law enforcement agencies, civil society and population at the regional level184
17Шухатович В. Р.Professional vocation: on the subject of non-economic factors in economic growth188
18Лебедева-Несевря Н. А., Цинкер М. Ю., Чигвинцев В. М.Macro-social determinants and public health risks in Russia’s regions193
19Рапаков Г. Г., Банщиков Г. Т.Efficiency of implementation of the regional target program for the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension at the regional level (experience of the Vologda Oblast)206
20Касимов Р. А., Разварина И. Н.Evaluation of the efficiency of regional health-preserving educational space formation222